Both the Microcell™ Vial Filler and SA25 Aseptic Filling Workcell can fill nested, pre-sterilized ISO vials from 2R to 50R. Automating the filling process keeps decontamination and changeover times between products low – as little as 15 minutes with Aseptic Filling Workcells from Cytiva.
A standardized robotic solution creates a cycle of reduced risk compared to conventional systems. Automation results in less human error, which leads to less contamination of the drug product. This is the main regulatory focus for aseptic processing. Workcells from Cytiva support manufacturer compliance with Annex 1 and FDA guidelines for aseptic processing.
Nested ready-to-use vials
Reduce risk even further with ready-to-use (RTU) vials with press-fit closures. Nested vials eliminate glass-to-glass contact resulting in fewer particles generated. Plastic press-fit closures with an integrated stopper are sealed onto vials in one fluid motion, simplifying manufacturing and maintaining product quality.