
Chromatography: column packing for dummies?

By Gene and Eva

Chromatography column packing is an art. Check out why even a superhero column packer needs an automated column as a sidekick to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Bioprocessing cartoon on automated chromatography column packing

Captain Column sure looks a bit discouraged…No wonder when his first mission was completed by a shiny new automatic chromatography column! But Eva was right to send Gene on a column packing training course . Manual packing is a time-consuming art.

With manual techniques, like pack-in-place column packing, the resin slurry must be precalculated, prepared, and then packed. Any inconsistencies to these steps can lead to irregularities. And a poorly packed column can result in a costly repacking process or the loss of product yield and quality over time.

With automated chromatography columns, on the other hand, you can get column packing right at first try—independent of previous experience. It’s a great way to reduce packing time and labor cost in a big way. Watch this video on automated column packing to see how easy it can be.

Alternatively, you can adopt other modern tools and technology solutions that help simplify operations and improve chromatographic performance.